from the band:
Let's Get To The Point!

Hey folks. I am writing from the Williams' beach house down at Alligator Point, FL. The five of us are down here (we decided to let Fuller come) for some much needed rest and relaxation. Since the album came out in October, we have been going non-stop, both touring on the road and working in the office - filling mail orders, booking gigs for 2003, and promoting the album to various publications and small, independent record labels. We are entirely an independent operation ourselves, which has its perks, but it also means we have a lot of work to do when we get off the road. So after our show this past Saturday in Tallahassee, we headed down to the Point, and will be here until Thursday, at which point we will head down to Orlando and then to Jacksonville to wrap up our 2002 schedule. Our agenda down here is to recharge our batteries, catch some fish, eat well, and work on arranging some new material that has been simmering on the stove for a while now. We hope to leave with a handful of new original songs that will end up being the foundation of our next studio album.

Next studio album???? Don't worry, we're not getting ahead of ourselves, we're just looking ahead and we're ready to start experimenting with some new material. But, as we look ahead, we can't forget to look back. The 'Mango is just a little over a year old, and we've accomplished quite a lot in a short period of time. We set up shop in Athens and actually know people there now (and vice versa, I think). We recorded and released our first album, and we went from playing three gigs a month to playing three gigs a week. We never would have made it this far without the help, love, and support from our families and friends, and for that we are truly humbled and grateful!

So as we celebrate our blessings this week at the Point, we will be looking both backwards and forwards. Either direction we look, we can't help but to crack a smile and do a toast for all that the 'Mango has done and all that the 'Mango will do. Have a happy, safe, and peaceful holiday season!
